The Partners

Department of Anatomical, Histological, Legal and Locomotor Sciences of Sapienza University (ITALY)

The Department of Anatomical, Histological, Legal and Locomotor Sciences of Sapienza University, Rome, includes the Section of Orthopedics and Traumatology and of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Specifically, the last includes several research units and a complex unit for care management. Aim of this section are the study and treatment of the main diseases of orthopedic (post-traumatic and / or degenerative) and neurological nature. The section includes a Library, a reading space, 3 classrooms, and three floors dedicated to the clinical and research activity (operating rooms, hospitalization, outpatient activity, gyms and rehabilitation laboratories). Current research lines of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation section are carried out mainly within the Biomechanical and Computerized Analysis of Movement laboratory. In this laboratory it is possible to analyse human movement  in subjects suffering from different pathologies and in healthy subjects. Nowadays, the main investigations are related to the effect on walking, in terms of kinematic changes and joint kinetics, of infiltrative therapy with hyaluronic acid in patients with gonarthrosis; to the postural and gait alterations in post-menopausal women with and without osteoporosis; to the alterations of gait in subjects with former traumatisms of the lower limbs; to the changes of gait in patients who will undergo hip arthroplasty with 2 types of surgical access; to the statistical correlation of clinical and biomechanical data, in patients suffering from different pathologies, using data mining techniques.

Istituto Europeo per lo Sviluppo Socio Economico - ISES (ITALY)

ISES was founded in 2008 as non-profit organization to spread European culture in Italy and to get closer public agencies, businesses and the third sector to the EU institutions through the development of funded projects following their whole bureaucratic, administrative and managerial path in accordance with the rules laid down by the European Commission. Since its creation, ISES has worked in projects dealing with health and sports promotion. In particular, ISES cooperates since 2009 with different associations for sports promotion to implement projects at regional and national level. Since 2014, ISES personnel cooperates with CONI in the ERASMUS+ SPORT COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIP PROJECT “TAKE HEART – Physical activity in patients with CHD: a collaborative partnership  to identify and share good practices among European countries” (ERA-COPART – G.A. 2014-3140/002-001) to engage cardiac patients and motivate them to perform Cardiac Rehabilitation and to maintain an high adherence to physical activity programs and therefore to increased levels of participation in sport and physical activity and in the ERASMUS+ SPORT COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIP PROJECT “SWEATY HEARTS – A collaborative partnership to develop, implement and evaluate a model of long-term physical activity and behavioral change in CHD European patients (GA – 2017 – 2778). And witn the Italian Rowing Federation in the ERASMUS+ SPORT NON PROFIT SPORT EVENT “PARAROWING” (572869-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-SPO-SNCESE) to organize a sport event – in collaboration with UK and French Rowing Federation – for disabled young people and encourage them to get out from their houses and do some sport.  In addition, ISES is involved in ERASMUS+ SPORT projects in partnership with the only Italian Sport University, Università Foro Italico: HAPPY BONES – Title Physical activity in women in menopause: a collaborative partnership for active lifestyles for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis (613137-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-SPO-SCP); Inclusive Karate: a new perspective to decrease sedentary lifestyle and increase self-confidence in Down Syndrome – IKONS (2018 – 2512); A Eu Collaborative Partnership For Active Lifestyles For The Prevention And Treatment Of Breast Cancer- DANCING WITH HEALTH (590443-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-SPO-SCP).

ISES has long experience in managing EU projects and managing communication and dissemination activities. It has been the responsible for the communication in all its projects developing the project communication strategy, tools and materials. In particular, ISES developed and managed different platform for e-learning and clearinghouses:,, and related communication/information campaigns.

Cerebrum – Association of People after Brain Injuries and Their Families (CZECH REPUBLIC)

The Cerebrum organization was founded in 2007 by a person with his (her) own experience of brain damage. Our main objective is to raise public awareness of the challenges facing stroke victims and inform about the many consequences that follow a brain injury and the possibilities for rehabilitation. We provide advice in this area and a guide to the services provided to people after brain injury. We also perform our own therapeutic activities in the home environment. In our team is a psychologist, an occupational therapist, a speech therapist and physiotherapist. Our clients are mainly people after a stroke and those with debilitating effects from a severe injury or as a result of treatment for malignant disease. We also try to provide help and advice to the injury survivors’ family, carers and relatives.

At present there are very limited possibilities of specialized and comprehensive rehabilitation in the Czech Republic. Cerebrum responds to this situation and seeks to create a system of aftercare with the scope and amount allowed by current grants and funds. By joining an international project Stroke My Way, we have another opportunity to bridge a stroke survivor from therapeutic rehabilitation to a more normal life through sporting activities.

Croatian Stroke Society (CROATIA)

The Croatian Stroke Society was founded in 1997 with the aim to increase public awareness about stroke prevention based on the latest knowledge in medical science, and to improve the early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients according to the most recent clinical guidelines and state of the art interventions. The goal is to improve primary, secondary and tertiary stroke prevention through an interdisciplinary approach, encouraging collaboration of medical, sports and nutrition professionals, patients and their families, as well as the general population.

One of the activities of the society is the promotion of public health education for the population through mass media, with an emphasis on the importance of early detection of risk factors responsible for the occurrence of stroke and particularly the possibility of their prevention.

The Society encourages continuous work of its members on the advancement in the practical approach of stroke prevention and rehabilitation, and organization of professional and patient meetings, seminars and consultations. The society also organizes regular, but also additional periodic lectures and preventive public health actions, such as the ones for the World Stroke Day. One of the missions of the society is also to prevent the recurrence of stroke caused by atrial fibrillation and to involve the public and high-risk groups in population-based prevention programs. The Society also published manuals and broshures for stroke patients in collaboration with SAFE (Stroke Alliance for Europe). Raising stroke awareness in Croatia, by creating a healthier and a more aware society is the ultimate objective of the Croatian Stroke Society.

Klaipeda University - KU (LITHUANIA)

KU is a multidisciplinary national and Baltic Sea Region research and studies leader, promoter of cultural heritage, and lifelong learning center integrated in international academic networks established 30 years ago.

University expands its internationalization by taking part in the main academic networks across the Baltic Sea Region and Europe; it has tied agreement-based cooperation with more than 40 foreign universities. More than 190 partner universities in Europe are Erasmus Programme partners of KU.

Health sciences as a unique interdisciplinary area of studies and research are consistently and systematically developed at Klaipeda University. The Health science concept is based on the traditions of the international scientific community and science policy documents, the provision of which is coherently and conceptually integrated into the socio-cultural and scientific context of Lithuania. Faculty of Health Sciences is responsible for implementing the study process in the fields of physiotherapy, nursing, public health, management of healthcare, health education, medical technologies, etc.

Laboratoty of Sports Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – AUTH (GREECE)

The Sports Medicine Laboratory of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is a modern institution applying state of the art technology for high quality research. This is exemplified by the publications in the top journals which reflect the high quality international research teams and demonstrates the effective utilization of the research support. The team at the Lab since more than 20 years has been investigating the cardiovascular, psychological and other effects of exercise training in patients with chronic diseases, as coronary heart diseases, heart failure, neuromuscular diseases, stroke, kidney diseases etc. The high level of research is possible thanks to the modern equipment, organized in the form of the core facilities. Moreover, the Lab has benefit from the facility to be cooperated with exercise trainers, expertise namely in the area of rehabilitation.